

Die Casting And Forging

PETROFER offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and services for high pressure die casting of aluminum, magnesium, zinc components and other molten metals, as well as many gravity, low pressure and other specialized casting processes.

In addition, we have a wide range of products for the forging process in many countries.

We provide a regular inspection service for the fluids used in the processes and equipment to keep the manufacturing process running smoothly while optimising the life of machine fluids, die casting machines, equipment and high pressure hydraulic components.

Die Casting And Forging

Product Model Application Range Product Feature
DIE LUBRIC 37450/37480 160-1600T160-1600T die casting machine, suitable for small and medium-sized precision complex parts, used in engine groove plate, back shell, cover cap. Superior film can also be formed on molds with high temperature and complex shapes. Small and medium-sized products can be used with high dilution to reduce the amount of spraying and avoid sintering property.
DIE LUBRIC 37350/374365 2000-3500T die casting machine, suitable for large thick-wall casting,used in engine cylinder block, transmission housing. Use for large die casting machine, improve release agent adhesion, heat resistance, sintering property, clean and bright surface, less carbon accumulation.
DIE LUBRIC 5050BS 2000-4200T die casting machine, suitable for large thin-wall casting, used in shock tower, rear side member. Spraying has excellent wettability and release ability at high temperature in the mold. It is also suitable for high die temperatures because the separated film it produces has exceptionally good temperature resistance. This reduces spraying and cycle time.
DIE LUBRIC 4060 All kinds of die casting machine, suitable for automobile components, used in communication components. Under the condition of ensuring the demoulding performance, it has no influence on the cleaning and coating.
Petorfer BS 400-2000T die casting machine, suitable for medium coating parts, general series. Antibacterial release agent has very good antibacterial performance, proportioning machine will not produce white bacteria and gunk. This is obvious and beneficial when using the product in a centralized proportioning system. Proportioning machine and spraying system of the pipeline is not easy to pollution, flourish fungi and bacteria. At the same time, the tube, the screen and the front nozzle can be prevented from being clogged with hard lumps of bacteria. These stability properties are derived from the combination of a series of formula ingredients.
Product Model Application Range Product Feature
PISTON-LUBRICANT AP Tonnage: General purpose
Castings: General purpose
Products: engine cylinder block, body structure parts
With moderate punch adhesion, superior dispersion stability, can prevent plunger punch from wearing, excellent lubricity.
Product Model Application Range Product Feature
ULTER SAFE 620 Tonnage: General purpose
Castings: General purpose
Products: All types of products
Water-glycol US620 does not contain any harmful substances, is non-toxic and safe to use. Do not burn, avoid fire. Its components are easy to biodegrade and the waste liquid is easy to deal with, so it is widely used in the hydraulic system of steel making, iron making, continuous casting, hot rolling, metal die casting and other equipment.
Product Model Application Range Product Feature
DIE LUBRIC 56DG Tonnage: General purpose
Castings: Thin-wall castings
Products: CCB thin-wall castings
By adding matching raw materials to improve the mold insulation, good fluidity of working fluid and superior molding effect.
Product Model Application Range Product Feature
PISTON-LUBRICANT GF Tonnage: General purpose
Castings: General purpose
Products: Engine groove plate, bottom housing, cover cap
Better resistance to high temperature and high pressure lubricating property can improve the working life of the punch and pouring chamber, no pollution to the environment, with less smoke , high flash point, not easy to produce open flame.

Forging Release Agents

Product Model Application Range Product Feature
WL155 Suitable for hot forging forming fast machine ; suitable for hot forging forming, central system working liquid preparation. The product contains a uniform distribution of solid lubricant; uniform fluid shape; the working liquid formed on the surface of the metal mold has good adhesion; no accumulation is produced on the die surface.
WL149 Precision forging for hot forging forming; suitable for high precision forgings, such as gear, tooth blank, cone teeth and other precision forgings. The product contains a uniform distribution of solid lubricant; uniform fluid shape; the working liquid formed on the surface of the metal mold has good adhesion; it has good metal fluidity in the mold.
WL148 Large tonnage press for hot forging forming; suitable for large forgings and forging process of long service life. The product contains a uniform distribution of solid lubricant; uniform fluid shape; the working liquid formed on the surface of the metal mold has good adhesion;it has good resistance to high temperature.
AP280S Suitable for precision forging of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum alloy; suitable for spraying method of release agent. The product contains a uniform distribution of solid lubricant; uniform fluid shape; the working liquid formed on the surface of the metal mold has good adhesion;especially aluminum alloy and other non-ferrous metals.
AP270 Suitable for precision forging of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum alloy;suitable for brush coating method of release agent. The product contains a uniform distribution of solid lubricant; uniform fluid shape; with good thixotropy; the working liquid formed on the surface of the metal mold has good adhesion;especially aluminum alloy and other non-ferrous metals.
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